Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Comparing Socrates And Descartes On The Proof Of Existence...

Comparison between Socrates and Descartes on the proof of existence of God. Socrates is who established ancient philosophy with Plato and Aristotle. His philosophy effects Western system of philosophy. He was born BC 470 in Athens and his father was a sculptor and his mother was midwife. He focuses teaching other people that philosophical argument in his life. He doesn’t want material for teaching because he doesn’t have material greed. His goals are verifying the oracle, question our belief, and test our concepts. He use dialogue Question and Answer for achieve philosophical answer. First, he placed great significance giving question per se. He asks to his disciples that what is the justice, what is the pious and impious and what is the difference between precisions to temerity. It is for that they can find answer themselves through answering. Second, Socrates tries to aware self-ignorance. He says, â€Å"Know thyself.† People called he is the wisest person, but he says he does not know anything. Third, his philosophy has strong ethica l aspects. He was identified with virtue and knowledge to think, when performed correctly, finally found out what is right. In order to pursue the best line is that people will realize what a true virtue. Finally, his thinking has the choice that is to be interpreted as a political ideology. He is summoned by the Court in Athens, accused of corrupting the youth and not believing the 12 ancient Greek God’s and Goddesses’. He is ultimatelyShow MoreRelatedThe Existence Of God Is A Delusion1757 Words   |  8 PagesDawkins, once said that the concept of God is a â€Å"delusion† and that it is â€Å"something people believe in despite a total lack of evidence.† I disagree with Dawkin’s statement as the existence of God can be proved by the existence of evil as one cannot exist without the other. I believe that the existence of evil proves that God exists as it was this argument that led former atheist; the Chronicles of Narnia author C.S. Lewis, to bel ieve in the existence of God- â€Å"I believe in Christianity as I believeRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pages................................................................................ 25 What is the Issue?................................................................................................................................. 28 What is a Proof?.................................................................................................................................... 30 Indicators ...................................................................................................

Monday, December 16, 2019

Legal Implications of Being a Nutritional Consultant Free Essays

Introduction Nutrition is among the present society’s number one needs. Aside from the fact that the nutritional knowledge of the people living within the society right now is indeed deteriorating, the role of nutritional consultants in assisting the society get a say with what they need from the governmental provisions especially concerning ample distribution of food is an essential factor contributing to the progress of the present human society. Certainly, from this, it could be noted that through ample application of the rules and regulations behind the job of a nutritionist, the global problem in nutrition application may as well be reduced or at best, it may even have a chance of being completely abolished. We will write a custom essay sample on Legal Implications of Being a Nutritional Consultant or any similar topic only for you Order Now What is it that makes the people in this particular career seemingly important and mostly appreciated by the society? What is the nature of this career that particularly makes it one of the most important jobs given stress within the human society? These particular questions shall be discussed within the context of this paper. The Nature of the Job Nutritionists or Nutrition consultants are involved in creating possibilities in assisting the people within the human society in becoming nutritionally aware of their needs. Health is wealth. This is the usual saying that supports the major responsibilities that are vested upon the shoulders of professional nutritionists. Among the many people within the human society, only 43% actually get the correct amount of daily nutrition that is needed by the body to be able to sustain itself for bodily repairs and personal care procedures that the human body itself could take care of. There are different reasons behind the factual reports regarding nutritional issues that are submitted for public knowledge purposes. One reason could be the fact that the poverty line, especially among developing countries hinders the human population from actually being able to acquire the right nutrition that they ought to receive. This issue particularly spurs out from the fact that because of the population-boom that is globally experienced at present, scarcity of resources increase thus making it impossible for the governments to equally provide nutritional measures to both the ones who could afford buying the scarce resources and the ones who could not even afford to buy a single meal for a day. The role of nutrition consultants in the situation narrated above is certainly described with high regard to their responsibility of helping in the education of the society regarding their nutritional and dietary needs as well as their role in helping in researching the best possible ways to equally distribute the food resources of the present human society among all the population around the world. To add up to the said description of the job of nutrition consultants, Phoenix University, an online-based educational institution describes the career of nutrition consultants as: â€Å"Dietitians and nutritionists are health professionals who study and apply the principles of nutrition and food management. There are several kinds of dietitians and nutritionists. The largest group is made up of administrative dietitians. Administrative dietitians manage food services in hospitals, schools, nursing homes, restaurants, industrial plants, military bases, and other institutions. They plan and direct the purchase and preparation of food, as well as supervise other food service workers. Administrative dietitians ensure that the meals served are nutritious, appetizing, and within the institution’s budget. †¦ Nutritionists study the use of food in the human body. They are not usually involved in feeding people. They deal instead with the broad principles of nutrition. They may teach others about scientific discoveries in the field of nutrition. These discoveries can then be applied to the planning of diets and menus. For example, a nutritionist might develop a course to teach poor families how to eat well on a small budget. Nutritionists are employed in the food industry, schools, hospitals, agriculture, and public health agencies.† As the role of the nutrition consultants had been carefully outlined, it is then necessary to consider the fact that the law, also usually bound the activities that the nutrition consultants engage with. From the clear understanding of the job performed by nutrionists, it should occur to readers that the laws concerning the legality of this particular career is related with the pharmaceutical measures of consideration when giving out samples of food supplements to people who are lacking certain types of nutrients within their body’s system. The law with regards this issue is aimed in protecting the patient’s health. It should occur to the nutrition consultants that recommending food supplement products such as synthetic vitamins and/or herbal medicines should be made within the basis of being of great help to the patient or the person who is being assisted. With regards considering this particular issue, it should be remembered that whatever it is that happens recommendation of the medicines should be measured with the actual nutritional requirements for the person being dealt with and not simply gaining profit from the producers of a certain nutritional supplement. This particular responsibility of nutrition consultants is highly given close attention especially within the areas of territory of several developed cities such as New York. This is particularly because of the fact that producers of fake nutritional supplements could be found everywhere else making it harder to identify what is really the true food supplement. Not being able to address this issue would surely cause problems with the health situation of the patient as well as with the reputation of the consultant in the said particular branch of medical profession. Reference: The Nutritional and Dietary Supplement Law.(2006). Nutritional supplements, dietary ingredients, functional foods and drinks, nutraceuticals and the law. http://nutrisuplaw.com/?page_id=68. (May 18, 2007). Phoenix University. (2007). Dietitian and Nutritionist Job Description, Career as a Dietitian and Nutritionist, Salary, Employment – Definition and Nature of the Work, Education and Training Requirements, Getting the Job. http://careers.stateuniversity.com/pages/342/Dietitian-Nutritionist.html. (May 18, 2007). ; How to cite Legal Implications of Being a Nutritional Consultant, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Facilitation and Education Skills for Clinical Teaching -myassignmenth

Question: Discuss about theFacilitation and Education Skills for Clinical Teaching. Answer: Introduction Clinical teaching is basically teaching and learning focused on the involvement of the patients and their problems directly. Clinical teaching is the heart of medical education. In current time, medical schools are trying to give as much clinical exposure as possible to the students. In the course, medical schools are focused on providing effective nursing and clinical experience to the students. Learning in the clinical environment has various strengths. It is basically focused on the accurate problems in the context of professional practices. Learners in this environment are motivated by its significance and by active participation (Polit and Beck, 2013). In the clinical learning, professional behavior, thinking, and attitude are developed by the teachers. Learning in the clinical environment is the setting in which the skills of physical examination, decision making, empathy, clinical reasoning and professionalism are developed in the students. Despite of strengths, there are some challenges with the clinical teaching i.e. lack of clear objectives and expectations, time pressure, competing demands, increased number of students, often under-resourced and fewer patients. This report focuses on the learning theory of the clinical environment and role of that theory in the clinical learning practices. Further, report focuses on facilitating the learning of nurses within the clinical environment that will assist in the development of culture of learning (Yazdannik, Yekta, and Soltani, 2012). Learning Theory The educational psychology researchers have done research on learning from different viewpoints and explained the learning process based on various theories. There are different theories which can be used as the guide of teaching-learning process learning theories basically have great use in not only education but also psychology counseling. The learning theories can be used single or separated or in combination in the clinical education including nursing. There is the need of learning theory in the clinical environment for the clear understanding of educational activities, management, interaction with the clients and patients, health promotion programs and continuous education in the current healthcare structure. in many institutes, nurses are responsible for the implementation, design and procedures to promote health training. Learning theories can be used separately, group-wise or at the community level. It can be used not only for understanding and learning new things but also for changing health habits, problem solving control emotions, affecting behavior development and constructive communication. For the discussion, report focuses on the behavioral learning theory in the clinical environment. This learning theory is the most beneficial when the change is the desired outcome of an educational involvement (Haghani Masoomi 2010). Behavioral Learning Theory Behaviorism is the most dominant approach for the psychology researchers. Traditional behaviorists perceived that continuous learning depends upon the observable behavior and it is possible with the communication between two events i.e. a stimulus and a response. In the simple words, researchers believe that behaviorist learning theory has made its unique way in the medical education. According to the Bastable (2008), while dealing with people, behavioral learning theory views the learning process as the simple cycle or chain. Behavioral learning theory basically focuses on the observable stimulus conditions and the learning process associated with this. For improve the learning process and getting desired results, learners can deeply observe and control the environment by using operant condition techniques in the positive or negative manner. Currently, in the clinical education, behavioral learning theory is mostly used in the combination with other learning theories i.e. cognitive theory. In the behavioral learning theory, teachers continue to be considered important in the nursing practices to achieve high level of delivery of health care services. For encouraging and motivating people to learn new information or to change the behavior, responses and attitude, behaviorists recommend to change the conditions in the environment and focus on the positive behavior. Motivation can be described as the desire to achieve something or reduce some drives i.e. desire for food, recognition, safety or money. That is the reason the person who is satisfied or has what he wants, need little motivation to learn new information, behavior or change old behavior (Guey, Cheng, Shibata, 2010). Behavioral learning assumes that the learning can take place when the changes in the behavior can be seen. The behavioral learning model is the effect of conditioning. Along with this, reinforcement is the key concept of the behavioral learning theory. Continuous reinforcement is crucial in each case of desirable behavior when the behavior is introduced. In this theory, it is stated that desired behavior should be rewarded immediately and undesired behavior should not be rewarded. This is the crucial term for getting success in the learning process. Nursing is focused on providing support in each step of the learning process. For instance, while a patient is learning about injecting the process of insulin, nurse shoes positive behavior and gives immediate support to the patient by his or her words (Daley Torre, 2010). Use of Behavioral Theory in Nursing Behavioral learning theory is applied in the clinical education or nursing. This theory has important role in the clinical learning process for the students. Students in the clinical learning has to deal with number of different points which need various combined forces. So, behavioral learning theory is more than to be scientific theory of learning including the set of techniques and principles which can be used in various fields for managing humans. By supporting the desired behavior, it is possible for the teachers in the clinical learning to achieve the learning goals. The conditioning theory in the behavioral approach can be used for the behavior therapy of the students and nurses in the educational environment of clinic. The behavioral therapy in the clinical learning process can be used to deal with the psychological problems, behavioral modification conflicts, methods for improvements, and disorder and criminal behavior. Along with this, change and modification methods in the behavior techniques are also used to train the students and implement the change in their social and academic behavior in the educational environment (Khadjooi Rostami, 2010). The behavioral learning theory can be used especially in the teaching clinical skills. In starting, the initial behaviors of every process are motivated for implementing the process completely. After that, students are encouraged to analyze, understand and implement the right process of learning. Motivation and encouragement is crucial and desirable to maintain the behavioral manners. Along with this, teachers in the clinical learning can teach every process by providing information to the students before starting the learning procedures. For instance, teachers can remind them to have expected and appropriate behaviors for achieving desired results in the learning process. Further, computer programs can also be designed for learning appropriate methods of patient care along with other methods. Although this process is quite time consuming but it is stated that favorable results of students behavior can be achieved easily. In the clinical learning process, the results may be desirable by the use of behavioral learning theory as it is helpful in achieving pleasing results such as admiration of classmates and client and satisfaction. In this method or theory, every good or bad behavior depends upon the understanding of student from favorable or unfavorable outcomes of behavior. The application of behavioral learning theory in clinical learning is most crucial part of nursing. In this theory, core principles of the education includes the aim of the education, combination of contents from simple to complex, providing right answers to the questions, preparing the students to learn in the positive environment, developing a disciplined environment for learning and training session, and giving reward to the learners after their success (Webb, Sniehotta Michie, 2010). This theory i s based on Thorndike law and according to this law; there will be a strong relationship between the response and stimulus for desired behavior. Thorndike law is commonly used in the nursing education. In the hospitals, nursing staff are involved in many cases of nursing students. In this theory, the role of manager or teacher is manipulating the learning environment, providing support and giving information to the students. In this theory, the learning environment is improving and stimulating. Role of behavioral learning theory is most important in clinical learning. The behavioral objectives are very crucial in the clinical training in nursing as it can be used as the guide for evaluating and teaching the clinical performance of the students in the learning process (Upham et al, 2009). Applying Behavioral Theory in Clinical Environment Based on above discussion, it is observed that behavioral learning theory is crucial for the clinical learning process. By using various conditions of the theory, learning of the nurses can be facilitated within the clinical environment that will assist in the development of a culture of learning. Behavioral theory focuses on the directly observed and measured behavior of individual. For the behaviorists, learning is the product having stimulus conditions and response. For this theory, learning is acquirement of new behavior by conditioning. By focusing on the conditionings, teachers will be able to improve learning process. There are two types of conditioning i.e. respondent conditioning and operant conditioning (Wood, Hutchinson Cantillon, 2003). Respondent Conditioning- In this theory, a natural incentive is combined with the unlearned stimulus along with the unconditional response. After such pairings, natural stimulus extracts with the same response. For instance, a person without any kind of experience of hospitals visiting to a sick friend may feel uneasy and disgusted and in future visit, he may feel anxiety. Sometimes, without thinking visitors and patients establish connection with their behavior as the result of hospital experience. Operant Conditioning- This condition basically focuses on the particular behavior of the person and the support occurs after the response. A support is applied after the response that improves and strengthens the possibility that the positive response will be performed again. By focusing on some factors i.e. hugs, praise, prizes and money as the positive reinforcement, the learning process in the clinical environment can be improved. When the specific responses are supported within proper schedule, positive behavior can be improved. To improve the possibility of positive, it is important to apply positive rewards and supports after the behavior occurs. For instance, if a patient is trying to get up and walk for the first time after an operation, encouragement and praise for that patients efforts will improve his or her continuous struggle towards independence (Quinn, 2007). In the behavioral theory, decreasing a negative response or behavior it is important to use punishment or non-reinforcement in the learning process. To get rid of a negative behavior, then best way is not to provide any kind of support for some unwanted actions. The behaviorist theory is easy and simple to use. There should be the requirement of careful analysis of the actions in the clinical environment that impact the behavior of people during the learning process. Theory focuses on the reward and support and promotes the value of each person. By applying basic principles of the behaviorist theory, the learning process in the clinical environment can be improved: Teachers should focus on the drives of the learners along with the external factors in the environment that impact learning capacity of the learners. Teachers should also focus on the reinforcements to improve the positive responses. The objective of the teacher should be to analyze the conditions of the environment that lead to specific behaviors. He must analyze the past history and habits of the learners. After that teacher must manipulate the conditions effectively to provide right support, to build new connections and to improve positive behavior or response of the person (Rahmani, et al, 2009). Conclusion From the above discussion, it is observed that various learning theories have important role in the learning process of clinical environment. Effective learning is the result of good teaching. It can be improved by the learning environment including active communication and interaction among the students, faculty and student peers. Effective learning in the clinical environment can be achieved by the use creative strategies and learning theories to inform and stimulate to the students. For the effective learning process, faculty and teachers should identify the students as individuals by the personal ways of learning and knowing them. Along with this, by developing learning situations for the students, faculty will be able to recognize diversity and improve their capabilities to think in the new way. References Daley, B. J., Torre, D. M., (2010), Concept maps in medical education: An analytical literature review, Med Educ., 44, 4408 Guey C. C., Cheng Y.Y., Shibata S., (2010), A triarchal instruction model: Integration of principles from Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Humanism. Procedia Soc Behav Sci., 9, 10518 Haghani F., Masoomi R., (2010), Overview of learning theories and its applications in medical education, Iran J Med Education, 10, 118897 Khadjooi, K., Rostami, K., (2010), The implications of Behaviorism and Humanism theories in medical education: Research Institute for Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, 3(2), 65-70 Polit, D. F., and Beck, C. T,(2013), Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice, USA: Lippincott Williams Wilkins, Philadelphia, Pa, Quinn, F. M., (2007), Principles and practice of nurse education, (5th), London: Nelson Thornes, pp. 1521 Rahmani A, Mohajjelaghdam A, Fathiazar E, Roshangar F., (2009), The effect of adapted model of mastery learning on cognitive and practical learning of nursing students, Iran J Med Educ. 7:279 to inform interventions for addictive behaviors: Addiction, 105, 1879-1892 UPHAM, P., WHITMARSH, L., POORTINGA, W., PURDAM, K., DARNTON, A., MCLACHLAN, Upham, P., Whitmarsh, L., Poortinga, W., Purdam, K., Darnton, A., Mclachlan, C. Devine-Wright, P. (2009). Public Attitudes to Environmental Change: A selective review of theory and practice: Living With Environmental Change Program Webb, T.L., Sniehotta, F.F., Michie, S., (2010), Using theories of behavior change Wood, D., Hutchinson, L., Cantillon, P., (2003), ABC OF LEARNING AND TEACHING IN MEDICINE, accessed on 31st August 2017 from https://edc.tbzmed.ac.ir/uploads/39/CMS/user/file/56/scholarship/ABC-LTM.pdf Yazdannik, A., Yekta, Z. P., and Soltani, A., (2012), Nursing professional identity: an infant or one with Alzheimer: Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 17(2), article S178

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Nizhniy Novgorod is a good place for holding summits and conferences.

Nizhniy Novgorod is a good place for holding summits and conferences. Business tourism is an important part of our modern life. Many people and companies have business partners in another countries and cities. So such kind of tourism may bring a lot of benefits to a destination. To be a successful business tourism destination, different cities around the world bring out some unique components to attract business travelers. As the business tourism is different to the leisure tourism, there are many factors that should be considered for the business travelers. Nizhniy Novgorod is the administrative center of the Nizhniy Novgorod region and one of the biggest cities of Volga-Vyatka economic region. There are different kinds of plants, factories, companies and organizations. So, Nizhniy Novgorod could be named a big business center. I think that this city has all necessary conditions to be successful in business tourism. The large numbers of hotels offer their clients a wide set of services which can make a business trip perfect. Spacious conference rooms, comfortable rooms, fast and high-quality service, polite staff and low prices will meet all your requirements. Also you can organize a business meeting in one of the restaurants of Nizhniy Novgorod. One more advantage of Nizhniy Novgorod is a transport system. A railway, an airport, a highway. You can choose any way to reach the city. Nizhniy Novgorod develops very quickly and has a lot of growth prospects. Thats why Nizhniy Novgorod can be named a good place for holding summits and conferences. Osipova A. 403b

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Heian Period the Fujiwara

During the Heian Period the Fujiwara was not a family who cared too much for war. The extent of the fighting during this period was done mainly by the trained clan warriors, the uji fighting men. As a result there was little political power held by warriors. However, the following period was nearing the opposite side of the latter. The Kamakura Period received its name from the power that the warriors held in Kamakura. The warriors of the Kamakura Period were unlike warriors from previous periods. The warriors, otherwise known as bushi, were expected to hold character traits that exceeded the normal warrior or citizen. Among the traits were reliability, sincerity, to live a frugal and strenuous life, and to worry not about personal gain or profit. These warriors were known as samurai. The list of traits was used as a model on judging the worthiness of men. However, the samurai were expected to go even further than just living up to the standards set for them. To avoid dishonor or demonstrate his sincerity or underline a protest, he should be ready to commit ritual suicide by disembowelment, also known as seppuku. The enormous emphasis put on honor is apparent. Although the gesture could be viewed as admirable then, it is absurd to think about now. Although one never wants to injure pride or honor it is not necessary to go to such an extreme end to salvage it. Still, honor and pride were not the only factors that would drive one to end their life. Loyalty to ones lord or emperor was also a virtuous reason to commit suicide. This is evident in The Tale of Genji while Genji is speaking with an old man in regards to another man and that mans daughter. The old man states, If he dies with his grand ambitions unrealized she is to jump into the sea (Murasaki, 69) . The daughter is to remain loyal and take her own life unless her father lets her know otherwise. It appears that one could not live ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Definition of Yellow Journalism

Definition of Yellow Journalism Yellow Journalism was a term used to describe a particular style of reckless and provocative newspaper reporting that became prominent in the late 1800s. A famous circulation war between two New York City newspapers prompted each paper to print increasingly sensationalistic headlines designed to lure readers. And ultimately the recklessness of the newspapers may have influenced the United States government to enter the Spanish-American War. The competition in the newspaper business was occurring at the same as the papers began to print some sections, particularly comic strips, with colored ink. A type of quick-drying yellow ink was used to print the clothing of a comic character known as â€Å"The Kid.† And the color of the ink wound up giving a name to the raucous new style of newspapers. The term stuck to such an extent that â€Å"yellow journalism† is still sometimes used to describe irresponsible reporting. The Great New York City Newspaper War The publisher Joseph Pulitzer turned his New York City newspaper, The World, into a popular publication in the 1880s by focusing on crime stories and other tales of vice. The front page of the paper often featured large headlines describing news events in provocative terms. Pulitzer was known to hire editors who were particularly skilled at writing headlines designed to entice readers. And the style of selling newspapers at the time involved newsboys who would stand on street corners and yell out samples of headlines. American journalism, for much of the 19th century, had been dominated by politics in the sense that newspapers were often aligned with a particular political faction. In the new style of journalism practiced by Pulitzer, the entertainment value of the news began to dominate. Along with the sensational crime stories, The World also was known for a variety of innovative features, including a comics section that began in 1889. The Sunday edition of The World passed 250,000 copies by the end of the 1880s. In 1895 William Randolph Hearst bought the failing New York Journal at a bargain price and set his sights on displacing The World. He went about it in an obvious way: by hiring away the editors and writers employed by Pulitzer. The editor who had made The World so popular, Morill Goddard, went to work for Hearst. And Pulitzer, to battle back, hired a brilliant young editor, Arthur Brisbane. The two publishers and their scrappy editors battled for New York City’s reading public. Did a Newspaper War Provoke a Real War? The newspaper  style produced by Hearst and Pulitzer tended to be fairly reckless, and there’s no question that their editors and writers were not above embellishing facts. But the style of journalism became a serious national issue when the United States was considering whether to intervene against Spanish forces in Cuba in the late 1890s. Beginning in 1895, American newspapers inflamed the public by reporting on Spanish atrocities in Cuba. When the American battleship Maine exploded in the harbor at Havana on February 15, 1898, the sensationalist press cried out for vengeance. Some historians have contended that Yellow Journalism prompted the American intervention in Cuba which followed in the summer of 1898. That assertion is impossible to prove. But there’s no doubt that the actions of President William McKinley were ultimately influenced by the enormous newspaper headlines and the provocative stories about the destruction of the Maine. Legacy of Yellow Journalism The publication of sensationalistic news had roots stretching back in the 1830s when the famous murder of Helen Jewett essentially created the template for what we think of as tabloid news coverage. But the Yellow Journalism of the 1890s took the approach of sensationalism to a new level with the use of large and often startling headlines. Over time the public began to distrust newspapers which were obviously embellishing facts. And editors and publishers realized that building credibility with readers was a better long-term strategy. But the impact of the newspaper competition of the 1890s still lingered to some extent, especially in the use of provocative headlines. Tabloid journalism lived on in major American cities, especially in New York, where the New York Daily News and New York Post often battled to serve up engaging headlines. The tabloid headlines we see today are in some ways rooted in the newsstand battles between Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst. And clickbait, the term for internet content designed to lure readers to click and read, has roots in the Yellow Journalism of the 1890s.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 10

Business Law - Essay Example e quoted by the Hard water Co was  £15,000 which was changed to  £10,000 in the terms and conditions defined in Door’s Software and it was signed by the Hard Water Co. Hence it should be accepted by the Hard Water Co. Similarly, the time frame mentioned in the terms and conditions of Hard Water Co was only 3 months which was modified to 5 months in the terms and conditions of Door’s Software and was also acknowledged and signed by the Hard Water Co and hence the final validity of the contract reflects 5 months as the main time frame. At the same time, the price variation clause put by the Hard Water Co was not mentioned in the terms and conditions of Door’s Software and hence it cannot be made liable for its application. As Hard Water Co agreed to the terms and conditions of Doors Software, the price variation cannot be given effect. Moreover, this doesn’t come under Unfair Contract Trade Act of 1977 (UCTA, 1977) and Sale of goods act (1979) and hence it cannot be challenged legally. (1) According to Part II of Sale of goods Act (1979), it was mentioned that any contract of sale of goods is a contract by which the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration, called the price. It also stated that an agreement to sell becomes a sale when the time elapses or the conditions are fulfilled subject to which the property in the goods is to be transferred. Here in this conext, Doors Software didn’t violate the norms of the contract law and hence need not be liable for the price variation. Assuming that software products are goods and referring to the proper statutory instruments, explain whether the software provided by Doors’ Software to Islington District Council was of satisfactory quality. No. The software provided by the Door’s Software to Islington District Council was not of satisfactory quality. It was reflected in the form of disproportionate printing matter when printing instruction was

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Comparative Eastern Influences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comparative Eastern Influences - Essay Example Both religions employ the concepts of karma, the understanding that a person's happiness is determined by the good and evil he/she has committed in not only one lifetime but many subsequent lifetimes, and nirvana, the exemption from the repetition of living, dying, and reliving (p. 497). In Hinduism, according to Bruder and Moore (2005), "humans, though basically good, are caught up in a cycle of desire and suffering that is the direct result of ignorance and ego. In short, they are miserable. The desires that torment them are many and diverse, including sensual lusts and the desire for existence" (p. 497). Hinduism's beliefs are built upon searching for absolutism, and for a person to obtain a unity with his/her soul and with eternal life (p. 495). In a similar fashion, Buddhism targets ignorance and selfishness as the grounds for suffering. Bruder and Moore (2005) state that a person cannot have these two character flaws as a way to live "because what happens is so much beyond one' s control. For even when life goes as is hoped for, there is no guarantee that it will continue that way, and inevitably anxiety and fear overwhelm temporary satisfaction" (p. 498). The Vedas are Hinduism's doctrine that instructs the ideal way of living. It contains the Upanishads, which contains the mahavakya, or "the four great sayings" (p. 496). Atman is, simply, one person and his soul. Brahman is, as Bruder and Moore (2005) write, the "ultimate reality or principal and the source and sustainer of all things, including people and gods. It is the supreme consciousness, the one, the One-and-only-One" (p. 496). The mahavakya describe how a Hindu can unity his atman and a brahman (which can be done through much meditation): "1) Consciousness is brahman, 2) That art thou, 3) The self is brahman, and 4) I am brahman" (p. 495-6). The Vedas influenced the religion's philosophical schools, created to help its students achieve spiritual emancipation: Yoga, Vedanta, Nyaya, Vaisesika, Samkhya, and Mimamsa (p. 495). Buddhism has the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path as its dogmas. The Four Noble Truths acknowledge that agony exists, the sources of agony, the actuality that the person can terminate his/her agony, and how to do so, which are illustrated in the eight statements known as the Eightfold Path (p. 498). The directions contained in the Eightfold Path are the Right View, Right Aim, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Living, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Contemplation. These are listed in the order that the person must take in order to succeed. For example, the right aim cannot be established without first having the right view (pp. 500-502). Hindu's origins are unknown; no one knows who discovered it, when, or under what circumstances. However, Hindus accept the dogmas dictated in the Vedas (p. 495). Despite its unknown origins, Bruder and Moore (2005) state, "It is best to view it (Hinduism) as a spiritual attitude that gives rise to a wide range of religious and philosophical beliefs and practices. These range from the worship of village and forest deities, which often take zoomorphic forms, to sophisticated metaphysical theories" (p. 495). With Buddhism, there is a detailed account of its establishment by Prince Siddhartha Gautama, who would later be renowned

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Good Teachers Essay Example for Free

Good Teachers Essay Abstract A good teacher is hard to find. One that really loves to teach students and is effect in what they teach. I have only had a few who have inspired me to teach because of their ability to teach effectively. A good teacher is effective in what they teach and they inspire their students. I feel that every student should have the benefit of a great teacher. One that is prepared for the class and apt to teach with clarity and understanding. It is not always good to have one that is just doing it to earn an income. Good teachers are what make the world better, as we learn every day, and if we listen we are always in a class of some type. In this world of fast learning and growing job opportunities we have to be taught by the best teachers so we are able to stay on the top of our business –world. I feel that every teacher needs to be able to change their students’ lives and be experts in their field of teaching. The teacher has to understand how each student learns. Without a doubt we must be able to reach our world and be able to understand what we are trying to learn. â€Å"A Good teacher is someone that is able to make a difference in someone’s life† (Hassett). What makes a good teacher able to teach anybody? Most of people that go to class really want to learn and want to be there. One of the main things in a class room or class setting is for the class to feel free to learn. I feel that every teacher needs to go to college and not to an online school. They need to be able to be in a class room setting so they can understand what their teacher does to prepare them for their class and study. I think one of the most important things for learning is to see it in action and to be able to understand how the right way to teach, and not just trying to make something out of nothing. Most of the teacher need to  get a degree from an accredited college or university that is a reputable teaching institution and able to give the aspiring teacher the proper training. One of the main things in learning is to be preparing for class. The teacher needs to have paper and book and all the supplies. Most teachers need to be able to pass the state board for teaches for them to get their certification to teach in the state of Georgia. Most of teachers in Georgia are teaching without a license because there is a shortage of teachers. This is causing a lot of students to get teachers who have not really been qualified to teach. Teachers need to learn how to listen and to understand when a child is in need or has a special need. Every teacher needs some type of training as there is college just for teachers. The Time it takes to prepare for a class is important as it prepares the teacher to teach effectively. Most of the students will watch their teacher to make sure they know what they are talking about. There has to be a safe environment for the student to learn. Most of the students need to be push to the point where they can learn and how they learn. The teacher needs to be able to detect what learning style the student has. One of the most important things that I love is the fact that they took time out of their busy schedule to check on me and make sure I did not have to repeat the class. They sent information to make sure I could get it done and I am grateful for that. â€Å"A good teacher is someone that knows their craft, in other words, they know what they are teaching. A good teacher knows the ins and outs of what they are teaching. A good teacher enjoys teaching others, their craft and seeing their students learn† (Davis). A teacher also has a passion for people and gets an enjoyment of others success. A teacher shows their student that they care when no one else is showing the student that they care. A teacher’s job is not just a Job. As it is not just to go to work and get a paid check. It has to be a person’s passion; it’s what makes them thrive. Sometime they have to work on days when they don’t get paid just to make sure the students are learning and able to pass the test. A teacher has to show that they want to be there and really enjoy helping people. A teacher never needs to tell a student I got my degree you need to get yours. â€Å"A teacher must stay informed of what they are teaching, in other words if there is new material that goes along with their subject they should learn the new material. This is called personal development. † (Martin-Kniep). A teacher also gives discipline when it is needed because they realize if you do not show discipline in the time of need it can cause the student to have an unstructured life. â€Å"A teacher prepares their students to be successful and persistent in their goals in life. A teacher is a motivator to their students and they keep their students in a positive frame of mind† (Green). â€Å"One of the most important things that a teacher can do is be prepared for the students that come into their classroom. It does take time to make sure the teacher is prepared and ready to teach their class† (Davis). Most teachers really do not know what to expect from year to year and sometimes it gets even hard with the students, parents, and support system. Most of the students will have someone that they can have to come to the class but most of the parents in this day and hour are too busy to do anything but work and try to feed the child. I feel like† we must give the teacher some type of assistance to make sure they are successful as well as to make sure they have a clear plan of action to teach† (Christou). Most of the students will watch their teacher to make sure they know what they are talking about. This has been one of the most frustrating parts of a class and in any place where someone is trying to teach you something they don’t know themselves. A lot of the students do have a learning disorder and some of them will ask questions because they really don’t know what you are saying. They are trying to make sure they understand what is being taught by the teacher. It is not to try to cause problems but to try to understand what is being taught. And the teacher needs to know when the student is really playing and when they are not. As a lot of students have been sent to the office or outside because of asking a question that they really did not understand and someone might have laughed causing the teacher to think they were playing. They send the student outside. Thus making it even harder for the student to learn and to understand clearly what is being said. â€Å"There has to be a safe environment for the student to learn. A lot of the parents are thinking more and more about home schooling their children because it is a little safer and easier for a traveling parent† (Christou). I think if a student feels that he is not safe in the classroom he will not learn and he will always be looking around the room trying to see what is going on. He will begin to see things out of place and every time someone comes to the door or the window the student will be looking and not paying attention to the teacher at all. The main thing is that they student needs to be able to feel like they can ask any question and it not be a problem, and that no one will be laughing at them for the question that they have asked. A lot of students will shut down when they feel like they cannot express themselves, let the teacher know when they are in trouble, and need some extra help. Most of the students really need to know that the teacher is doing all they can to keep order in the class room and to make sure that it is a nice pleasant place to learn and to share idea and even to fuss sometime as long as it is going to help and bring about clarity. Without a doubt, all students need to be pushed and made to learn beyond their own understanding. There should not be a student in there who is not working their brain and able to sleep all day and still pass. Something is wrong with that and someone needs to retest that student and make sure they are on their grade level. A lot of students will not learn too well when the class is too slow for them. They will get bored really fast and not want to do nothing but cause problems because they are bored. I feel like a lot of the students that sleep in class and still walk out of the class with a passing grade need to be evaluated to determine their I. Q. â€Å"It’s about pushing students to excel; at the same time, it’s about being human, respecting others, and being professional at all times† (Leblanc). So they can make sure they push them to their max. Most students never really understand all the class room and it takes a great teacher to be like bridge between the class work and the grades. Sometimes the bridge does try to fall, but, it is a good bridge and it is able to keep the peace. Understand that sometimes it is overrun with words, people, and it has to be patient and understand that it will all pay off in the long run. In this day and hour every job is not just a job. There are many people today who are looking for a job and some of them just are able to pass test because of having book smarts. Some are only teaching in school for a paycheck and to be able to make a living. A teacher needs to be someone who loves what he/ she can do. They do not need to be thinking about a check or about paying bills. Most of them really need to be stable and able to keep their family and personal life separate. The person who wants to be a teacher needs to be more than just someone going for a job. As time passes it is important for the person to know why they are in the class room and to understand their role in shaping the lives of their students. They must understand that at this age most of the students will spend more time with them than at the house with their parents. Most of the students will begin to attach themselves to the class room as they will feel like they were trying to look forward and not behind. Most of them will find a teacher who they relate to and who they feel has their best interest at heart. It is important for teacher to understand that most of the students will watch their every move and how they react. Some of them will even try to copy how the teacher talks, walks, and even how some of them dress. Most of the students want to be a part of something or belong to something for a greater cause. So it is important that most teachers understand their role, be mindful of their actions and understand that someone will always be watching their every move. A teacher has to show that they want to be there and really enjoy helping people. I have always been in a class room where I have heard a lot of my teacher say â€Å"I got my degree now you’ve got to get yours† and some of them even have an attitude with it. This is one of the reasons why I hated school and why I felt that I was cheated of my education when I was in school. Most students really don’t want to be in school so when they already don’t want to be there, and run into something like this, it makes it hard for the student to look past what they see and hear. This is causing a lot of high school students to drop out at the 10th grade. They really do not understand that they are almost there. But we have to take control of this, put a stop to it, and let them know that we do care about them, want them to finish school, be able to learn and be productive in the world today. â€Å"Effective teachers should exhibit positive expectations to ensure each student believes they can excel. Transmitting positive reinforcement by telling each student they have high abilities and are a capable learner will allow students to excel to their highest abilities. In addition, setting positive expectations in the classroom will help students who do not have proper motivation and support at home† (Baker). A teacher never needs to tell a student I got my degree and what about you. Most of the student will always do what they hear and what they see. Most of them are smart enough to understand right from wrong. But it gets worst then they begin to see the teacher doing one thing and then doing something different. A good teacher is hard to find. One that really loves to be in the class with the student and is effective in what they teach. I have only had a few that have really left me with wanting to teach because of what they taught me and this is what a good teacher is. I feel that every student that goes to class should have the benefit of a great teacher. One that is prepared for the class and apt to teach with clarity and understanding. It is not always good to have one that is just doing it because of a Job. This is what makes the world better. As we learn every day and if we listen we are always in a class of some type. I want to be as clear as possible with everything I do and say so that it will help other teachers to take pride in their craft. APPENDIX A REFERENCES Brackett, Nancy. (January 2013) Effective Teacher. Retrieved from http://www. online-distance-learning-education. com/effective-teacher. html Christou,Aris. (June 22, 2006). Materials Camp Will Help Teachers Innovate. Retrieved from http://www. mse. umd. edu/news/news_story. php? id=658 Davis, James R. (Aug 4, 1993). Better Teaching, More Learning: Strategies for Success in Postsecondary Settings: 1st Edition. Green, Elizabeth. (March 2, 2010). Building a Better Teacher. Retrieved from http://www. nytimes. com/2010/03/07/magazine/07Teachers-t. html? _r=0 Hassett, Marie F. PHD. (Winter 2000). What Makes a Good Teacher? Retrieved from http://www. sabes. org/resources/publications/adventures/vol12/12hassett. htm Leblanc, Richard PHD. (1998). Good Teaching: The Top Ten Requirements. Retrieved from http://www. appleseeds. org/good-teach. htm Martin-Kniep, Giselle O. (April 2004). Becoming a Better Teacher: Eight Innovations that works/ Editions 1. Toness, Bianca Vazquez. (May 23, 2011). What Makes A Good Teacher? Retrieved from http://www. wbur. org/2011/05/23/a-teacher.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

God Versus Man in Sophocles Antigone Essay example -- Antigone essays

God Versus Man in Antigone  Ã‚     Ã‚   Throughout Sophocles’ drama, Antigone, there are many themes that can be traced. One of the most predominant themes is god versus man, which appears not only in Antigone, but also in many of the classic Greek tragedies written in Sophocles’ time. Choragos:  There is no happiness where there is no wisdom;    No wisdom but in submission to the gods.    Big words are always punished,    And proud men in old age learn to be wise.   (158) The quotation above serves as the moral for this tragedy, which includes an illustration of the theme as it was applied to the play.   In the drama, Antigone, the theme of the inner struggle between allegiance to human law versus divine law can best be seen through Antigone’s reverence for the gods in relation to her actions, Kreon’s realization of the effects of his selfish pride, and the people of Thebes’ observations about Kreon’s decisions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Antigone has the most direct struggles with human law and a higher law in the drama, for it is the application of this theme that decides her fate.   Faced with the decision to defy the King and properly bury her brother, Polyneices, or leave his body unprepared for death as Kreon wished, she chose to obey the wishes of the gods and bury him.   At the time of the drama, the Greeks believed that a decent burial was essential for the soul to be at rest.   Kreon accused Polyneices of fighting against his own country and forbade all citizens of Thebes to prepare his body.   Instead, it was left to decay on the field on which he was killed.   When Antigone first hears this news, she immediately reacts by telling her sister, Ismene, that she wants Polyneices’ soul to be at rest, and th... ...edited by Dudley, Lavinia P. et alii. New York:Americana Corporation, 1957. vol. 2. Segal, Charles Paul. â€Å"Sophocles’ Praise of Man and the Conflicts of the Antigone.† In Sophocles: A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by Thomas Woodard. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966. Sophocles. Antigone, Trans. by Dudley Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald. Adventures in Appreciation/Pegasus Edition. Orlando: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, Publishers, 1989. â€Å"Sophocles† In Literature of the Western World, edited by Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. NewYork: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1984. Woodard, Thomas. Introduction. In Sophocles: A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by Thomas Woodard. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966. Watling, E. F.. Introduction. In Sophocles: The Theban Plays, translated by E. F. Watling. New York: Penguin Books, 1974.

Monday, November 11, 2019

A Note on the Cuban Cigar Industry – 1

â€Å"A Note on the Cuban Cigar Industry† 1. Threats of new entrants: Product differentiation is major player in the market of Cuban Cigars, with certain brands being linked to prestige and honor. Also, restrictions from the world make it difficult for new entrants, because of trade embargos put in place by a majority of the most powerful countries in the world, including the United States. Power of suppliers: Cigar industry is dominated by two major suppliers, Altadis and Swedish Match, which control the distribution of Havana cigars and Cuban branded names, with Altadis being the largest cigar company in the world.Power of buyers: Buyers are willing to pay premium price for quality cigars, therefore, the power of the buyer is very minimal, as cigar enthusiast have increased worldwide. Threats of substitutes: The threat of substitutes is higher, where the actual tobacco seed has been farmed in locations outside of Cuba, including the United States, Dominican Republic, and Hon duras. As noted in the Case, 250 million cigars were exported to the United States from the Dominican Republic. Competitive Rivalry: Rivalry in the Cuban cigar industry is extremely high, where the industry growth has tapered off because of intense competition.Projections were high in the nineties for Cuban Cigar imports; however, with the fear of loss in quality and exclusivity of the cigars, the projections were lessened. Even though there has been a steady increase in exports, it has not been heavy, exhibiting the fact that there are few â€Å"real† producers of Cuban cigars. 2. Given the previous analysis, based on Porter’s Five Forces model, I would without a question invest in the Cuban cigar industry. For a few decades now, the industry has been on the rise, with cigar connoisseurs always remaining loyal and faithful to their preferred brands of cigars.At first, the tobacco firms were increasing their production rapidly, all the while trying to maintain and impr ove quality, however, that was too difficult of a task, so in turn, Ana Lopez, the head marketer for Habanos S. A. changed their focus and decided to keep working at improving quality at any expense. The quality remains, and with that remains a set group of cigar buyers, who would rarely stray from a brand that they have become affixed to. Specifically, I would target my investments towards the distributors of the cigars, as they not only supply Havana or Cuban cigars to the world, but also many other popular brands and types.The main barriers that exist in investing in the Cuban Cigar industry are the U. S. trade embargo as well as the type of government ruling over Cuba, Communist. The trade embargo puts a huge blemish on Cuban cigar export numbers, where the numbers could be increasingly high. Furthermore, because of the Communist government in place, it isn’t always easy for competitors to start new ventures, or to keep profits on the rise. 3. My decision would remain the same; I would still invest in the Cuban cigar industry, even if the trade embargo is lifted.However, the difference in the analysis comes in the situations of rivalry, new entrants and power of the buyers. All of these would change completely with trade being allowed to the United States, who stakes claim to more than 500million premium cigar imports a year, of which, zero are â€Å"officially† Cuban cigars. If the U. S. were to lay stake in the Cuban cigar industry, the entire market would be revamped, with competitors springing up everywhere, buyers gaining more control, and competitive rivalry going on the rise.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

How to Drive a Stick Shift

How to drive a stick shift vehicle Driving a vehicle with manual transmission, also known as â€Å"driving stick†, can be confusing and or very difficult for people of all ages. Many drivers go through life without even owning a vehicle with a manual transmission. Learning to drive stick is a skill that can come in handy as this style of vehicle is very popular. Written instructions are no substitute for hands on activity. Driving standard is a skill acquired by time and cannot be achieved by just reading up on it.One of the most useful ways to start learning the art of driving a manual transmission or stick shift is to familiarize yourself with the car's clutch. You should already know what the gas and brake pedals do. Get in the car and make sure the emergency brake is engaged. Get a feel for the clutch by putting pressure on it and releasing it for several minutes. This is also a good time to look at the gear shifter, which is usually located on the center console to the ri ght of the driver.There is usually a map of the gear patterns on the head of the stick shifter, studying this before you are ready to go is a must. If the guide is worn away and unreadable, you should use the car’s manual to find out the mapping of the gears. Another strategy to use would be to pull in the clutch and get a feel for where the gears engage. Once you understand where the gears are, without actually pressing the gas pedal, pretend you are driving and practice speeding up. (Making the sounds is optional and can be humorous. Put the clutch to the floor and put the car in first gear. Pretend you are driving and while speeding up push in the clutch to shift into another gear. Do this for the rest of the gears until you feel comfortable shifting. When coming to a stop, you can do two things. You can push the clutch in and keep the car in gear, or you can put the shifter in the neutral position and let the clutch back up. It is sometimes good to put a stick shift in ne utral while stopped, to ease the strain on your leg and foot, and also to lessen wear and tear on your clutch.When you are ready to go again, simply press the clutch to the floor and put the shifter into first gear, and give the vehicle a little gas. If you pull the clutch out too fast and give it little gas the car may stall, but to not be discouraged if you do so. Stalling a car with a manual transmission happens to the best of drivers. Once you learn how to do it, and after a little practice, driving a stick shift is fairly easy. It becomes a habit and you’ll find yourself driving a standard vehicle like it’s no big deal. For many, this is a more exciting and fun way to drive a vehicle or truck.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Erin Brockovich The WritePass Journal

Erin Brockovich Abstract Erin Brockovich ). However there is a perception that there is no correct situational leadership style leading to success, it is a combination of factors coupled with Ms Brokovich personal drive (Virick et al, 2012). A distinct detriment involved with the transformational approach outlined by Golemans (2013) leadership theory as clearly demonstrated by Erin Brokovich, was the headstrong opinionated statement of ideals regardless of the surroundings. As was the case when Ms Brokovich spoke her mind in the courtroom and lost her accident claim, there is very real potential to harm an on-going effort with a poorly founded assertion. Yet, there cannot be a turning away from a potential issue through the advent of fearing failure (McCullough, 2008). Ms Brokovich clearly illustrates that by clarifying the basic elements of the initial client’s case, the medical records, that the uncovering of the past association of the water company held clear need for investigation. As in the model Simon (1959) outlined there is a rational model that allows for the person to choose the best alternative. The uncovering of these links led to a transformation of the case from a routine operation to a case that yi elded substantial gain and reparations for every party involved. As the Ann Brown (1996) evidence demonstrated knowledge is critical for progress. The process of critical thinking directly leads to higher forms of literacy and argumentation as well as sophistication (Brown, 1996). Transformational leaders have the capacity to invoke charisma and personal attributes in order to attain their goal (Goleman, 2000). Utilizing at least some feminine wiles, Ms Brokovich was able to convince the keeper of the county water records to not only allow her unfettered access, but extended her every personal nicety possible. This quality of contact and ability to connect with those involved most closely with the case provided further opportunities for this form transformational leadership to play a pivotal role (Goleman, 2013). It was the personal outreach of Ms Brokovich that enabled the initial claimants to realize the connection between the water company and the sicknesses that that family was experiencing. The stimulation that Ms Brokovich provided allowed t he pieces of the puzzle to come together in such a manner that the truth could emerge (Gardner, 2013). This demonstration of continued research and determination is a critical element of the transformational approach to leadership. Others cite the high instances of failure due to the lack of support offered to potential leaders during crises (Lawerence, 2013). There is an innate instinct to choose a successful leader, and a person that does not consistently show wise decision making can rapidly lose their following. A transformational leader will possess the capacity to encourage the group to action (Gardner, 2013). This is a critical component any operation, the ability to bring the clients to focused action. As Ms Brokovich discovered, it was necessary to enlist nearly every one of the potential claimants in order for the claim to go forward against the water company. It was her personal connection, intuition and knowledge of the situation that enabled the lawyers to create a case that would be capable of winning in court (Gardner, 2013). Yet, depending too much on these personal relationships can become a detriment in the event the core person or knowledge is lost or corrupted (Golemman, 2013). Despite the fact that Ms Brokovich possessed the capacity of personally remembering each and every element of each and every case, there was the real potential for oversight, which is a substantial weakness of the transformational approach to leadership (Northouse, 2004). Finally, the transformational leadership approach is cited for inspiring the long term effort (Gardner, 2013). Yet, when it fails others describe this form leadership as wreaking tremendous consequences on any underlying company (Northouse, 2004). Following the initial success Ms Brokovich inspired those around her to seek out others in similar situations, thus creating a long term effort to correct the illegal acts of large corporations. In a very real way, it was the leadership style of Ms Brokovich that first identified, then researched and then made possible the settlement against the water company. Lacking such a person playing this key role, there would never have been an awareness of the issue and many families and individuals would be worse off. In this case, transformational leadership, while showing some weakness, supplied the impetus for positive resolution and personal success. 2.2 Transactional Leadership Transactional leadership is an approach that emphasizes the role of reward in the effort to produce results (Bolman, 2013). Resting on the twin concepts of reward contingent on effort and stability of the status quo, the transactional form of leadership provides incentives to the employee workforce. The very first example of this style of leadership employing the reward element is the day Ms Brokovich forces her way onto Mr Masry’s staff. With the act of offering her a job as a form of reward for her perseverance and ambition, the transactional leadership style of Mr Masry was illustrated (Gardner, 2013). Despite his initial reluctance to give her a position, he was led to the act by the actions of Ms Brokovich. Further, this element allowed Mr Masry the luxury of maintaining the status quo at work, providing another illustration of the transactional philosophy at work (Avolio and Yammarino, 2002). Trying very hard to maintain a business that operates smoothly Mr Masry is very concerned with reducing any outbursts or unsightly scenes at the workplace. Avilo et al (2002) outlines the argument that the only truly effective form of leadership rests in the combination of the transformation and transactional format. Others cite the highly unstable nature of the transformational style and cite instances that misinformation and lack of information has led to failure on the part of companies employing these methods (Gardner, 2013). The literature supports the contention that the transactional form of leadership is effective and adaptable, capable of being utilized in nearly any environment (Avilo et al, 2002). Yet, the Chhokar, Brodbeck and House (2007) literature disputes this assertion assigning the transactional approach to be best used only by temporary management during transitional phases. The next example of the transactional form of leadership espoused by Mr Masry rests in the firing of Ms Brokovich following her initial foray into research. The managerial approach in this instance equated the actions of Ms Brokovich with the deliberate abandonment of duty, thereby resulting in termination (Chhokar et al, 2007). This reaction was in direct response to the attendant attitudes of the other employees in the office as well as a direct effort to maintain tranquillity in the work place. The role of the transactional leader is to determine what is in the best interests of the company and provide the best employee centred solution (Northouse, 2004). Again, this action on the part of Mr Masry was a direct reward of the actions perceived to be taken by Ms Brokovich, which in turn led to a direct reprisal. The transactional leadership approach does not individualize employees, but seeks to treat each person the same, thereby equalling the work place (Northouse, 2004). With the actions of Mr Masry directly fuelling Ms Brokovich outrage, there was a very real sense of motivation in her decision to re-join the team after Mr Masry sought out her help. The transactional approach in this case dictated that Mr Masry ensure that Ms Brokovich was properly motivated to work with the team, despite her sometimes outspoken manner (Wheatley, 2004). This transactional style is repeated throughout the movie as Mr Masry’s preferred form of management. From the instant that Ms Brokovich is taken back onto the staff at the law firm, there is the sense of pay for performance being demonstrated by being given a rental car and a raise (Gardner, 2013). This acknowledgement of value in the work that Ms Brokovich was conducting was reflected in the reward of better pay and position at the work place. As the movie continued to demonstrate the building case against the water company the transactional style of leadership of Mr Masry continued to show. With the move to bring in a partner firm to defray the cost, Mr Masry was utilizing the transactional approach to maintain the status quo (Bograd, 1995). By attempting to have the meeting at a time when he was aware that Ms Brokovich would be gone, only supports the approach by illustrating the desire to maintain a low profile, confrontation free work place (Gardner, 2013). Yet, this approach could easily have overlooked the case at hand by focusing on maintaining day to day ordinary operations (Goleman, 2013). It was Mr Masry’s wish to maintain an ethical countenance and make the situation better for Ms Brokovich that served to provide the opportunity for this case to emerge (Mendonca and Kanungo, 2007). His sense of corporate responsibility, or the need to be accountable for his actions that caused him to take that action (Gol eman, 2013). Finally, the transactional form of leadership espoused by Mr Masry was best exemplified by the overpayment of funds to Ms Brokovich. It was the determination of management that the job provided by Ms Brokovich was worthy of an increase in pay, thereby providing correct remuneration for effort (Gardner, 2013). This final demonstration of transactional philosophy clearly illustrates the strength of proper management. Yet, a clear liability rests in the opportunity for management to neglect to adequately reward the employee, thereby detracting from the fundamental effort (Northouse, 2004). 3 Conclusion The movie Erin Brokovich (2000) provided a clear illustration of leadership in the form of Ms Brokovich’s transformational approach as well as Mr Masry’s transactional view. Both methods have been credited with providing sound and reasonable provisions for both companies and individuals. Yet, the opportunity for weakness due to the individual personality detriments found in the transformational approach can hinder development of any idea or concept significantly. Further, the transformational approach rests largely on the assurance that the leadership has the correct information as well as the appropriate know-how. Lacking a clear strategy can doom any project to failure. In comparison the transactional approach has the potential to overlook possible opportunities in the quest to maintain office stability. Relying on the actions of others to provide impetus for progress can limit the overall capacity for a business to succeed. The literature in this analysis supports the approach that a combination of the transformational and transactional approaches is the best method of overall leadership. Leading by providing vision, yet rewarding the industriousness of the employee base has the potential to build a long lasting organization that will have the innate capacity to meet any goal. Much like the movie Erin Brokovich (2000) illustrated, with proper leadership, vision and determination even the biggest well-funded organization must submit to the rule of law. 4 References Abrahamson, E. and Eisenman, M. 2008. Employee-management techniques: transient fads or trending fashions?  Administrative Science Quarterly, 53 (4), pp. 719744. Avolio, B. 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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

When Is Military Force Justified

When Is Military Force Justified Too Much, Too Often – the Giant Military State We Live In It’s a sad fact that this beautiful, magical world has become a military state. We just hear about it so much these days due to social media and the Internet. Because of greedy, immoral people, the assumed solution to today’s many problems, especially between countries, is war – killing, genocide, torture, violence, and suffering. It’s frightening how often a country relies on military force to defend its country’s major multi-billion dollar enterprises – like ones refining crude oil, and mining other valuable entities such as metals and gemstones. MLA ESSAY EXAMPLE WAR AS SEEN THROUGH THE MEDIA War as an Assumed Solution to Today’s Many Problems When exactly is military force justified? Is it ever justified? The answer lies, of course, in the eyes of the beholder. But when one considers the tumultuousness nature of today’s world, they eventually come to the realization that, yes, military force is often justified. The important question, however, is when it’s justified. Before answering this question and arguing for when exactly military force is justified, it’s important to consider what comprises â€Å"military force.†   It is when a country’s military, also known as its armed forces, has no other choice but to use deadly force and weapons to support the interest of the state and of its citizens – its main function. This means casting fire on the enemy, dropping bombs from planes, detonating nuclear warheads, even resorting to biological warfare. Military Force Is Justified When There Is an Impending Threat to One’s Borders So, when is military force justified? For one, when there is an impending threat to one’s borders. If a country is on the verge of being invaded, it has the right to use military force. When a country’s citizens are on the brink of being slaughtered, the country as a whole should be able to resort to military force. It comes down to defending one’s way of life, not lying down and dying. Fighting for one’s borders, freedom, safety, and happiness is surely one reason to use violence and weaponry as a means for peace, though it does sound like a contradiction. In World War II, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor – and rather than doing nothing, which would assuredly invite similar attacks and possible invasion, America went to war against the Axis Powers. The country came together and stood up for its right to freedom and happiness; it meant that no country would attack America and get away with it. This is one prime example of when military force is ju stified. Secondly, military force is also justified when a larger, wealthier and more powerful country or group of countries threatens invasion, invades or attacks a less powerful country. For example, in 2008, Russia attacked the former Soviet Republic Georgia. It was the typical David vs. Goliath scenario. Russia accused Georgia of foul play against the autonomous republic to the south, and sent in troops to negotiate â€Å"peace.† Instead, Russia got whatever it wanted, a buffer zone between Russia and the Middle East, in turn bullying the small country into submission. Military force was not justified on the part of Russia, but Georgian military forces surely had the right to defend its motherland. And Georgia was not a NATO country, like Turkey, the United States, the United Kingdom, France and many other countries with powerful armies that could have used military force to defend the weaker, less powerful and wealthy country of Georgia. This is a classic case of how military forc e should be enacted when it’s justified. A big, powerful country was bullying a small country that could not defend itself; therefore, it had the right to resort to military force. To conclude, military force is, unfortunately, a reality in today’s world. But the lines of what â€Å"justifies† it are quite blurry. What is wrong in one country’s eyes are righteous in another’s. That is the tragedy of our times. But as long as there is good in the world, as long as there are countries like the United States, France, Ukraine and Germany and others that stand for peace and Democracy, good will prevail over evil. Though not without too much bloodshed and hatred along the way. We can only hope and plan for the world with no war, though it is quite unlikely to happen anytime soon. We can be sure of that fact.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Why divorce rates are increased Annotated Bibliography

Why divorce rates are increased - Annotated Bibliography Example By using correlation method and timing-of-events model of Abbring and van den Berg (2003), the data has been analyzed. Findings show a positive association between living in populated area and risk of dissolution of marriage. Secondly, risks of divorce are higher in city because of sorting of relatively stable relationships in rural areas. The scope of this study is limited because data has been only collected from Denmark and its findings cannot be generalized. However, this study has given a deep insight to increasing divorce rate concerns in urban areas. Trend and South conducted research study to determine the societal-level correlates of divorce rate. In the quantitative methodology, regression analysis has been used to study the impact of socioeconomic development, sex ratio, female labor participation rate and religion dominance on divorce rate. The findings reveal that except religion all other variables are significantly correlated with crude divorce rate. Secondly, socioeconomic development and female labor force participation rate show a U-shape relationship with divorce. This study is very useful because data from 66 countries was collected to investigate the research question. Reference: Sakata, K., & McKenzie, C. R. (n.d.). A Time Series Analysis of the Divorce Rate in Japan Using a Precedent-Based Index. Retrieved October 21, 2010, from http://www.mssanz.org.au/MODSIM07/papers/54_s16/ATimeSeriess16_Sakata_.pdf This research study aims to examine the reasons of increasing divorce rate in Japan over the last 40 years. The time series analysis model for testing whether Coase Theorem appliers to Japanese divorce law or not has been used to analyze the annual data for period 1964-2006. By using court decisions on divorce disputes an index has been constructed through which probability of divorce rate has been calculated. The major finding of this research study