Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Comparing Socrates And Descartes On The Proof Of Existence...

Comparison between Socrates and Descartes on the proof of existence of God. Socrates is who established ancient philosophy with Plato and Aristotle. His philosophy effects Western system of philosophy. He was born BC 470 in Athens and his father was a sculptor and his mother was midwife. He focuses teaching other people that philosophical argument in his life. He doesn’t want material for teaching because he doesn’t have material greed. His goals are verifying the oracle, question our belief, and test our concepts. He use dialogue Question and Answer for achieve philosophical answer. First, he placed great significance giving question per se. He asks to his disciples that what is the justice, what is the pious and impious and what is the difference between precisions to temerity. It is for that they can find answer themselves through answering. Second, Socrates tries to aware self-ignorance. He says, â€Å"Know thyself.† People called he is the wisest person, but he says he does not know anything. Third, his philosophy has strong ethica l aspects. He was identified with virtue and knowledge to think, when performed correctly, finally found out what is right. In order to pursue the best line is that people will realize what a true virtue. Finally, his thinking has the choice that is to be interpreted as a political ideology. He is summoned by the Court in Athens, accused of corrupting the youth and not believing the 12 ancient Greek God’s and Goddesses’. He is ultimatelyShow MoreRelatedThe Existence Of God Is A Delusion1757 Words   |  8 PagesDawkins, once said that the concept of God is a â€Å"delusion† and that it is â€Å"something people believe in despite a total lack of evidence.† I disagree with Dawkin’s statement as the existence of God can be proved by the existence of evil as one cannot exist without the other. I believe that the existence of evil proves that God exists as it was this argument that led former atheist; the Chronicles of Narnia author C.S. Lewis, to bel ieve in the existence of God- â€Å"I believe in Christianity as I believeRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pages................................................................................ 25 What is the Issue?................................................................................................................................. 28 What is a Proof?.................................................................................................................................... 30 Indicators ...................................................................................................

Monday, December 16, 2019

Legal Implications of Being a Nutritional Consultant Free Essays

Introduction Nutrition is among the present society’s number one needs. Aside from the fact that the nutritional knowledge of the people living within the society right now is indeed deteriorating, the role of nutritional consultants in assisting the society get a say with what they need from the governmental provisions especially concerning ample distribution of food is an essential factor contributing to the progress of the present human society. Certainly, from this, it could be noted that through ample application of the rules and regulations behind the job of a nutritionist, the global problem in nutrition application may as well be reduced or at best, it may even have a chance of being completely abolished. We will write a custom essay sample on Legal Implications of Being a Nutritional Consultant or any similar topic only for you Order Now What is it that makes the people in this particular career seemingly important and mostly appreciated by the society? What is the nature of this career that particularly makes it one of the most important jobs given stress within the human society? These particular questions shall be discussed within the context of this paper. The Nature of the Job Nutritionists or Nutrition consultants are involved in creating possibilities in assisting the people within the human society in becoming nutritionally aware of their needs. Health is wealth. This is the usual saying that supports the major responsibilities that are vested upon the shoulders of professional nutritionists. Among the many people within the human society, only 43% actually get the correct amount of daily nutrition that is needed by the body to be able to sustain itself for bodily repairs and personal care procedures that the human body itself could take care of. There are different reasons behind the factual reports regarding nutritional issues that are submitted for public knowledge purposes. One reason could be the fact that the poverty line, especially among developing countries hinders the human population from actually being able to acquire the right nutrition that they ought to receive. This issue particularly spurs out from the fact that because of the population-boom that is globally experienced at present, scarcity of resources increase thus making it impossible for the governments to equally provide nutritional measures to both the ones who could afford buying the scarce resources and the ones who could not even afford to buy a single meal for a day. The role of nutrition consultants in the situation narrated above is certainly described with high regard to their responsibility of helping in the education of the society regarding their nutritional and dietary needs as well as their role in helping in researching the best possible ways to equally distribute the food resources of the present human society among all the population around the world. To add up to the said description of the job of nutrition consultants, Phoenix University, an online-based educational institution describes the career of nutrition consultants as: â€Å"Dietitians and nutritionists are health professionals who study and apply the principles of nutrition and food management. There are several kinds of dietitians and nutritionists. The largest group is made up of administrative dietitians. Administrative dietitians manage food services in hospitals, schools, nursing homes, restaurants, industrial plants, military bases, and other institutions. They plan and direct the purchase and preparation of food, as well as supervise other food service workers. Administrative dietitians ensure that the meals served are nutritious, appetizing, and within the institution’s budget. †¦ Nutritionists study the use of food in the human body. They are not usually involved in feeding people. They deal instead with the broad principles of nutrition. They may teach others about scientific discoveries in the field of nutrition. These discoveries can then be applied to the planning of diets and menus. For example, a nutritionist might develop a course to teach poor families how to eat well on a small budget. Nutritionists are employed in the food industry, schools, hospitals, agriculture, and public health agencies.† As the role of the nutrition consultants had been carefully outlined, it is then necessary to consider the fact that the law, also usually bound the activities that the nutrition consultants engage with. From the clear understanding of the job performed by nutrionists, it should occur to readers that the laws concerning the legality of this particular career is related with the pharmaceutical measures of consideration when giving out samples of food supplements to people who are lacking certain types of nutrients within their body’s system. The law with regards this issue is aimed in protecting the patient’s health. It should occur to the nutrition consultants that recommending food supplement products such as synthetic vitamins and/or herbal medicines should be made within the basis of being of great help to the patient or the person who is being assisted. With regards considering this particular issue, it should be remembered that whatever it is that happens recommendation of the medicines should be measured with the actual nutritional requirements for the person being dealt with and not simply gaining profit from the producers of a certain nutritional supplement. This particular responsibility of nutrition consultants is highly given close attention especially within the areas of territory of several developed cities such as New York. This is particularly because of the fact that producers of fake nutritional supplements could be found everywhere else making it harder to identify what is really the true food supplement. Not being able to address this issue would surely cause problems with the health situation of the patient as well as with the reputation of the consultant in the said particular branch of medical profession. Reference: The Nutritional and Dietary Supplement Law.(2006). Nutritional supplements, dietary ingredients, functional foods and drinks, nutraceuticals and the law. http://nutrisuplaw.com/?page_id=68. (May 18, 2007). Phoenix University. (2007). Dietitian and Nutritionist Job Description, Career as a Dietitian and Nutritionist, Salary, Employment – Definition and Nature of the Work, Education and Training Requirements, Getting the Job. http://careers.stateuniversity.com/pages/342/Dietitian-Nutritionist.html. (May 18, 2007). ; How to cite Legal Implications of Being a Nutritional Consultant, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Facilitation and Education Skills for Clinical Teaching -myassignmenth

Question: Discuss about theFacilitation and Education Skills for Clinical Teaching. Answer: Introduction Clinical teaching is basically teaching and learning focused on the involvement of the patients and their problems directly. Clinical teaching is the heart of medical education. In current time, medical schools are trying to give as much clinical exposure as possible to the students. In the course, medical schools are focused on providing effective nursing and clinical experience to the students. Learning in the clinical environment has various strengths. It is basically focused on the accurate problems in the context of professional practices. Learners in this environment are motivated by its significance and by active participation (Polit and Beck, 2013). In the clinical learning, professional behavior, thinking, and attitude are developed by the teachers. Learning in the clinical environment is the setting in which the skills of physical examination, decision making, empathy, clinical reasoning and professionalism are developed in the students. Despite of strengths, there are some challenges with the clinical teaching i.e. lack of clear objectives and expectations, time pressure, competing demands, increased number of students, often under-resourced and fewer patients. This report focuses on the learning theory of the clinical environment and role of that theory in the clinical learning practices. Further, report focuses on facilitating the learning of nurses within the clinical environment that will assist in the development of culture of learning (Yazdannik, Yekta, and Soltani, 2012). Learning Theory The educational psychology researchers have done research on learning from different viewpoints and explained the learning process based on various theories. There are different theories which can be used as the guide of teaching-learning process learning theories basically have great use in not only education but also psychology counseling. The learning theories can be used single or separated or in combination in the clinical education including nursing. There is the need of learning theory in the clinical environment for the clear understanding of educational activities, management, interaction with the clients and patients, health promotion programs and continuous education in the current healthcare structure. in many institutes, nurses are responsible for the implementation, design and procedures to promote health training. Learning theories can be used separately, group-wise or at the community level. It can be used not only for understanding and learning new things but also for changing health habits, problem solving control emotions, affecting behavior development and constructive communication. For the discussion, report focuses on the behavioral learning theory in the clinical environment. This learning theory is the most beneficial when the change is the desired outcome of an educational involvement (Haghani Masoomi 2010). Behavioral Learning Theory Behaviorism is the most dominant approach for the psychology researchers. Traditional behaviorists perceived that continuous learning depends upon the observable behavior and it is possible with the communication between two events i.e. a stimulus and a response. In the simple words, researchers believe that behaviorist learning theory has made its unique way in the medical education. According to the Bastable (2008), while dealing with people, behavioral learning theory views the learning process as the simple cycle or chain. Behavioral learning theory basically focuses on the observable stimulus conditions and the learning process associated with this. For improve the learning process and getting desired results, learners can deeply observe and control the environment by using operant condition techniques in the positive or negative manner. Currently, in the clinical education, behavioral learning theory is mostly used in the combination with other learning theories i.e. cognitive theory. In the behavioral learning theory, teachers continue to be considered important in the nursing practices to achieve high level of delivery of health care services. For encouraging and motivating people to learn new information or to change the behavior, responses and attitude, behaviorists recommend to change the conditions in the environment and focus on the positive behavior. Motivation can be described as the desire to achieve something or reduce some drives i.e. desire for food, recognition, safety or money. That is the reason the person who is satisfied or has what he wants, need little motivation to learn new information, behavior or change old behavior (Guey, Cheng, Shibata, 2010). Behavioral learning assumes that the learning can take place when the changes in the behavior can be seen. The behavioral learning model is the effect of conditioning. Along with this, reinforcement is the key concept of the behavioral learning theory. Continuous reinforcement is crucial in each case of desirable behavior when the behavior is introduced. In this theory, it is stated that desired behavior should be rewarded immediately and undesired behavior should not be rewarded. This is the crucial term for getting success in the learning process. Nursing is focused on providing support in each step of the learning process. For instance, while a patient is learning about injecting the process of insulin, nurse shoes positive behavior and gives immediate support to the patient by his or her words (Daley Torre, 2010). Use of Behavioral Theory in Nursing Behavioral learning theory is applied in the clinical education or nursing. This theory has important role in the clinical learning process for the students. Students in the clinical learning has to deal with number of different points which need various combined forces. So, behavioral learning theory is more than to be scientific theory of learning including the set of techniques and principles which can be used in various fields for managing humans. By supporting the desired behavior, it is possible for the teachers in the clinical learning to achieve the learning goals. The conditioning theory in the behavioral approach can be used for the behavior therapy of the students and nurses in the educational environment of clinic. The behavioral therapy in the clinical learning process can be used to deal with the psychological problems, behavioral modification conflicts, methods for improvements, and disorder and criminal behavior. Along with this, change and modification methods in the behavior techniques are also used to train the students and implement the change in their social and academic behavior in the educational environment (Khadjooi Rostami, 2010). The behavioral learning theory can be used especially in the teaching clinical skills. In starting, the initial behaviors of every process are motivated for implementing the process completely. After that, students are encouraged to analyze, understand and implement the right process of learning. Motivation and encouragement is crucial and desirable to maintain the behavioral manners. Along with this, teachers in the clinical learning can teach every process by providing information to the students before starting the learning procedures. For instance, teachers can remind them to have expected and appropriate behaviors for achieving desired results in the learning process. Further, computer programs can also be designed for learning appropriate methods of patient care along with other methods. Although this process is quite time consuming but it is stated that favorable results of students behavior can be achieved easily. In the clinical learning process, the results may be desirable by the use of behavioral learning theory as it is helpful in achieving pleasing results such as admiration of classmates and client and satisfaction. In this method or theory, every good or bad behavior depends upon the understanding of student from favorable or unfavorable outcomes of behavior. The application of behavioral learning theory in clinical learning is most crucial part of nursing. In this theory, core principles of the education includes the aim of the education, combination of contents from simple to complex, providing right answers to the questions, preparing the students to learn in the positive environment, developing a disciplined environment for learning and training session, and giving reward to the learners after their success (Webb, Sniehotta Michie, 2010). This theory i s based on Thorndike law and according to this law; there will be a strong relationship between the response and stimulus for desired behavior. Thorndike law is commonly used in the nursing education. In the hospitals, nursing staff are involved in many cases of nursing students. In this theory, the role of manager or teacher is manipulating the learning environment, providing support and giving information to the students. In this theory, the learning environment is improving and stimulating. Role of behavioral learning theory is most important in clinical learning. The behavioral objectives are very crucial in the clinical training in nursing as it can be used as the guide for evaluating and teaching the clinical performance of the students in the learning process (Upham et al, 2009). Applying Behavioral Theory in Clinical Environment Based on above discussion, it is observed that behavioral learning theory is crucial for the clinical learning process. By using various conditions of the theory, learning of the nurses can be facilitated within the clinical environment that will assist in the development of a culture of learning. Behavioral theory focuses on the directly observed and measured behavior of individual. For the behaviorists, learning is the product having stimulus conditions and response. For this theory, learning is acquirement of new behavior by conditioning. By focusing on the conditionings, teachers will be able to improve learning process. There are two types of conditioning i.e. respondent conditioning and operant conditioning (Wood, Hutchinson Cantillon, 2003). Respondent Conditioning- In this theory, a natural incentive is combined with the unlearned stimulus along with the unconditional response. After such pairings, natural stimulus extracts with the same response. For instance, a person without any kind of experience of hospitals visiting to a sick friend may feel uneasy and disgusted and in future visit, he may feel anxiety. Sometimes, without thinking visitors and patients establish connection with their behavior as the result of hospital experience. Operant Conditioning- This condition basically focuses on the particular behavior of the person and the support occurs after the response. A support is applied after the response that improves and strengthens the possibility that the positive response will be performed again. By focusing on some factors i.e. hugs, praise, prizes and money as the positive reinforcement, the learning process in the clinical environment can be improved. When the specific responses are supported within proper schedule, positive behavior can be improved. To improve the possibility of positive, it is important to apply positive rewards and supports after the behavior occurs. For instance, if a patient is trying to get up and walk for the first time after an operation, encouragement and praise for that patients efforts will improve his or her continuous struggle towards independence (Quinn, 2007). In the behavioral theory, decreasing a negative response or behavior it is important to use punishment or non-reinforcement in the learning process. To get rid of a negative behavior, then best way is not to provide any kind of support for some unwanted actions. The behaviorist theory is easy and simple to use. There should be the requirement of careful analysis of the actions in the clinical environment that impact the behavior of people during the learning process. Theory focuses on the reward and support and promotes the value of each person. By applying basic principles of the behaviorist theory, the learning process in the clinical environment can be improved: Teachers should focus on the drives of the learners along with the external factors in the environment that impact learning capacity of the learners. Teachers should also focus on the reinforcements to improve the positive responses. The objective of the teacher should be to analyze the conditions of the environment that lead to specific behaviors. He must analyze the past history and habits of the learners. After that teacher must manipulate the conditions effectively to provide right support, to build new connections and to improve positive behavior or response of the person (Rahmani, et al, 2009). Conclusion From the above discussion, it is observed that various learning theories have important role in the learning process of clinical environment. Effective learning is the result of good teaching. It can be improved by the learning environment including active communication and interaction among the students, faculty and student peers. Effective learning in the clinical environment can be achieved by the use creative strategies and learning theories to inform and stimulate to the students. For the effective learning process, faculty and teachers should identify the students as individuals by the personal ways of learning and knowing them. Along with this, by developing learning situations for the students, faculty will be able to recognize diversity and improve their capabilities to think in the new way. References Daley, B. J., Torre, D. M., (2010), Concept maps in medical education: An analytical literature review, Med Educ., 44, 4408 Guey C. 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P., and Soltani, A., (2012), Nursing professional identity: an infant or one with Alzheimer: Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 17(2), article S178